Warning: Stay on Top of Your Louisiana Beneficiary Designations

Last week I met with a Mandeville client mourning the recent loss of her husband. The husband wrote a will leaving everything to his wife. However, the will does not cover his IRA, one of the largest assets in his estate. Instead beneficiary designations govern the disposition of IRAs . When one fails to monitor and update the beneficiary designation, absurd outcomes can occur. In this case, the husband's ex-girlfriend remained listed as the 100% beneficiary for the IRA! Unless we can convince the ex-girlfriend to do the right thing and disclaim the IRA, the account will pass to her. [...]

By |2021-12-07T09:22:24-06:00December 7th, 2021|0 Comments

Half-Siblings Only Inherit Through Shared Parent in Louisiana Intestacy

This week I encountered an interesting case study in Louisiana Intestacy Law. Intestacy laws take over when someone dies without a will. I am working on the intestate succession with a client whose son recently died. The son had no spouse or children. His only surviving heirs are his two parents and his half-sibling on his father's side.  Under Louisiana Intestacy, when someone dies with only surviving parents and siblings, the usufruct (lifetime use) of their estate passes equally to their parents. When the parent's later die, their use right ends and the assets of the child's estate vest equally [...]

By |2021-11-30T09:47:55-06:00November 30th, 2021|0 Comments

Should You Place Motor Vehicles in a Louisiana Living Trust?

Anyone who reads this blog consistently knows my practice advocates for the use of living trusts in Louisiana. For many families, living trusts create a more efficient estate settlement through their avoidance of the Louisiana probate process. Typically, we encourage families to transfer into trust only those assets that must pass through succession. These assets generally include real estate and non-retirement investment accounts. When it comes to motor vehicles, Louisiana estate planning attorneys diverge on whether these should be placed in trust. Your family can transfer cars and boats at death without the need for probate. The Louisiana Office of [...]

By |2021-11-23T10:57:56-06:00November 23rd, 2021|0 Comments

Why and When You May Want to Disclaim that Inherited IRA

Qualified Retirement Accounts like IRAs and 401ks hold a unique place in the Louisiana Estate Planning world. While IRAs and 401ks form part of your estate for tax purposes, you will or trust does not cover these accounts. Instead, beneficiary designations govern their distribution. After the account holder dies, the beneficiaries simply submit a death certificate and claim forms. Upon approval, the account rolls over to the beneficiaries. Because the deceased account owner never paid income tax on the funds in the retirement account, the beneficiaries are responsible for payment of income taxes on the inherited account. Typically, a beneficiary [...]

By |2021-11-23T10:22:28-06:00November 23rd, 2021|0 Comments
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